11 Quotes & Sayings By Cm Hayden

CB Hayden, born and raised in Springfield, Missouri, became a full-time author in 2014. Her first book, The House on Cedar Hill Road, is a mystery/suspense novel for young adults. Hayden also writes young adult fantasy and contemporary romance novels under the name CM Haywood. She lives in Missouri with her husband and children.

I don’t need immortality. The fear of death keeps a girl sharp. It helps us remember that what we do here, now, matters. What good is immortality, if you’re just a dirty little despot in some shitty corner of the world? C.M. Hayden
You don't need magic to be invisible in a town like this. Being poor works just the same. C.M. Hayden
I don’t need immortality. The fear of death keeps a girl sharp. It helps us remember that what we do here, now, matters. What good is immortality if you’re just a dirty little despot in some shitty corner of the world? C.M. Hayden
It’s amazing what desperation can do to a person. It can seep into the heart. Turn us into the very monsters we fight." -Vexis C.M. Hayden
It’s an often repeated lie that familial bonds are the strongest. Some swear by them. Some claim an other-worldly connection with their siblings or nonsense of that order. These can be dismissed as flights of fancy. Artifices of civilization. In the wild, animals often exhibit what we would perceive as familial love. Some wild cats will grow up nurtured by their mothers, surrounded by their siblings, but should one stray from the pack for too long and attempt to rejoin, it will be summarily eaten or maimed by its ‘family.’ It’s no longer a part of them. The blood connection is irrelevant, what matters is the perception of the group. Conversely, there have been recorded instances of unfaithful wives giving birth to children from a man other than her husband. The father, oblivious to the indiscretion, loves the child as if it were his own. Would that love fade if he found out the truth? Who do you love more, your brother or your best friend? What if your brother tried to kill you, who then? Here, then, is my twentieth truth: “Do not trust in blood, trust only in yourself." In the end, that is all you have. C.M. Hayden
I could stand in the middle of Front Street shrieking like a banshee and nobody would notice me. You don't need magic to be invisible in a town like this. Being poor works just the same. So stand behind me and think quiet thoughts. C.M. Hayden
Vexis stopped crying. She now looked more annoyed than anything. She feigned like she was trying to remember something. “So, eh, was he the fat one or the crippled one? Or the fat, crippled one? Y’know, it was just so much fun watching them hobble towards their body parts, I didn’t think to ask for names. C.M. Hayden
Good strategy, keep the conversation going until a guard notices the bodies outside the door. Maybe bursts in to save you. Not a bad idea. C.M. Hayden
Good strategy, keep the conversation going until a guard notices the bodies outside the door. Maybe burst in to save you. Not a bad idea. C.M. Hayden
I don’t need immortality. The fear of death keeps a girl sharp. C.M. Hayden